Drive-up COVID-19 swab collection is available at the following Open-Air sites: 1202 Medical Center Drive, Porters Neck, Hampstead, Northchase (Pediatrics), Monkey Junction, Federal Point, Shipyard, Leland, and Jacksonville locations. Please note, COVID Testing is conducted outdoors via our drive-up parking stalls. Patients must schedule a telehealth visit with one of our providers, and then a testing time will be scheduled (if indicated). If you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 and/or have a fever, cough, shortness of breath (or difficulty breathing), chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and/or new loss of taste or smell, please call our WH AnyWhere Hotline at 910-341-3400 today. We will then determine the next best steps for your care.
Wilmington Health is committed to using collaborative, evidence-based medicine in providing the highest quality of care to you and our community.
Please note, all of our COVID Testing locations operate between 1:00-4:00pm. Please try to report prior to 4:00 pm, so your test can be completed that day. COVID-19 test results will only be reported through your Patient Portal. If you need to register for the Patient Portal, please click here. Thank you!
Resource: StarNews Online