Returning Women to Better Health
Approximately 1/3 of all women in the United States will be affected by one type of pelvic floor disorder during their lifetime. Often related to the birth of a child, the muscles of the pelvic floor are weakened or stretched. These now weakened muscles may cause discomfort in the abdomen and/or issues with urinary tract, including frequent infections or incontinence.
Pelvic Floor Disorder is treatable with a variety of options including a surgical procedure called Pelvic Floor Reconstruction. Our talented team of urological specialists can provide many women suffering from the issues of pelvic floor disorder with relief from pain and improved quality of life through this treatment option. Using either minimally invasive or robotic surgery techniques, our surgeons can tighten the weakened muscles and successfully return our patients to health.
Dr. Deborah Hess is currently the only FPMRS-trained urologist/urogynecologist within a 100-mile radius of the Wilmington area. She is a urologist and pelvic surgeon with expertise in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS) or Urogynecology.