Welcome to Wilmington Health Pediatrics! In this video, we answer commonly asked questions by parents. We cover questions such as: what to expect in the hospital with your newborn, your baby’s first appointment, what to do if your child gets sick, and much more!
Lactation Support Team

Lactation Consultant: Kristy Harley, RN, IBCLC
Kristy is an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant. To be seen in the office by Kristy call 910-763-2072 for an appointment. You can reach her direct line in which she can answer questions by calling 910-362-3419.
Wilmington Health Pediatrics wants to welcome you and your new baby!
Congratulations on choosing to breastfeed! Offering breast milk is a wonderful investment in your child’s health and we want to support your decision to breastfeed by offering Lactation Support Services.
Breastfeeding is going well if:
- Baby is breastfeeding 8 – 12 times in 24 hours
- Baby is satisfied after breastfeeding
- Baby has at least 3 stools per 24 hours by day 4
- Breastfeeding is not painful
- Breasts feel full before feeding and softer after a feeding
Reasons to call for a lactation appointment:
- You have breast or nipple pain
- Your baby isn’t latching well
- You feel you need to supplement due to low milk supply
- You feel breastfeeding is not going well
- Familiarization with pump assembly and use
Breastfeeding 101 Classes
Learn the basics of getting breastfeeding off to a great start!
If you are interested in breastfeeding, this class is the first step in making that happen for you and your baby. We will discuss tips to get you started with confidence, hospital procedures that support the breastfeeding mother & baby, troubleshoot breastfeeding challenges, and much more. To find out more about our Breastfeeding 101 classes please click here.
Lactation Visits
- Offer assurance
- Problems solve and make a personalized plan for you and your baby
- Allow mother to gain confidence in her ability to breastfeed
- Average length is 60 minutes.
- Tuesday appointments are available at our Monkey Junction Office from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Wednesday appointments are available at our Northchase Office from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Thursday appointments are available at our>Mayfaire Office from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- A Pediatrician is available for additional support and intervention if needed.
Remember your baby should be seen by a provider again at 2 weeks.
Watch this video and learn what Dr. Elizabeth Buskirk from Wilmington Health Pediatrics has to say about Breastfeeding.
A circumcision is an operation that removes the foreskin of the penis. The foreskin is the fold of skin covering the tip of the penis. The procedure can be performed in the hospital prior to discharge, or in our Mayfaire office in the first two weeks of life.
Preparing for the Procedure
Here are some things you can do to keep your baby comfortable during the procedure:
- Feed your baby prior to the procedure so that he is not hungry.
- We will give your baby Tylenol before the procedure which may aid decreasing pain associated with the procedure
To prevent pain, we will also give your baby a lidocaine block before the circumcision as well as sucrose during the procedure. Sucrose is a liquid sugar that provides pain relief for newborn babies during painful procedures. Along with sucking on a pacifier, sucrose is a great way to soothe infants. It is given orally with a dropper after or during painful procedures.
Circumcision Aftercare
It is normal if the penis:
- Looks red or puffy (swollen) for the first day or two.
- Has spots of blood and/or a yellow crust at the tip.
- Has a bluish color (bruises) where numbing medicine may have been used.
When you return home:
- Wash your hands before and after every diaper change and before putting medicine or petroleum jelly on the baby.
- Feed your baby like you normally would.
- Check his diaper every two to three hours. Change it right away if it is wet or dirty. Put the new one on loosely.
- Lie your baby on his back.
- Give him medicine only as directed by the doctor.
- Wash the penis gently.
- Clean the diaper area by gently blotting with a soft cloth or baby wipe. Do not give your baby a tub bath until his umbilical cord has fallen off.
- Put a lot of petroleum jelly on the penis (like an ice cream cone). Do not put any powder, alcohol, or baby wipes on the baby’s penis for one week.
- Do not put any pressure on his penis.
- Keep cleaning the penis and using petroleum jelly for four to five days.
Reasons to Call Your Doctor
- Your baby has a rectal temperature of 100.4˚ F (38˚ C) or higher.
- There is a lot of bleeding.
- Your baby is unable to pee six to eight hours after the procedure.
- There is a bad smell or drainage from the penis.
- There is more redness or swelling than expected.
- The skin of the penis is not healing well in seven to 10 days or as directed.
If you have any other concerns or questions, do not hesitate to call!
Payment and Billing
Private Insurance: If you have private insurance, our office will file with your insurance company.
Medicaid: Medicaid does not cover this procedure. (See Self Pay below.)
Self Pay: Please contact the office for current pricing. Payment is required prior to the procedure. Payment can be made in cash or by credit/debit through the Wilmington Health Pediatrics business office.
This service is offered at our Mayfaire location.
6727 Parker Farm Drive, Suite 300, Wilmington